Our restaurant is located at ground level at Krystallpalast Varieté and can seat up to 100 people. This is where we offer a choice of a three or two-course menu, which can be booked for before or after the variety show as part of the Show and Menu package. Our chefs take inspiration from the various nationalities of our performing artists for the menu components. It goes without saying that a vegetarian menu can be served at your request. Our SMALL PLATES can be booked for the variety show to get you in the mood for a wonderful evening of variety and for smaller appetites.
You are very welcome in our restaurant even if you are not attending our variety show. Our friendly sales team will be happy to reserve a table for you, subject to availability - in person at reception, by telephone on 0341 140660 or online.
Select your individual menu
Three-course menu >> EUR 49 (Fri & Sat) // EUR 42 (Wed, Thur, Sun)
Ttwo-course menu >> EUR 38 (Fri & Sat) // EUR 33 (Wed, Thur, Sun)
5 pieces for 25.00 EUR // 8 pieces for 38.00 EUR
If you require further information or would like to reserve a table, please contact us by telephone on 0341 140660 or by email at ticket@krystallpalastvariete.de. We will be happy to advise you.